Photo Gallery


Photo-Gallery: A Photographic Journey through the 1960s

John Kennedy at the Presidential Debate (9kb)

View of Democratic candidate John Kennedy debating Richard Nixon as seen through television in the 1960 Presidential campaign debates.

Vice-President Richard Nixon at the Presidential Debate (4kb)

Republican candidate Richard Nixon as he appeared on television during the Presidential campaign debate in 1960.

President Kennedy in the Oval Office (12kb)

President Kennedy in the Oval Office with his son John Jr. peering out of the desk

The March on Washington 1963 (13kb)

Martin Luther King Jr. giving his I Have a Dreamspeech at the March on Washington, 1963

Lyndon Johnson being Sworn in as President (11kb)

Vice-President Lyndon Johnson being seared in as President hours after President Kennedy’s Assasination.

The Beatles and Ed Sullivan in 1964 (12kb)

The Beatles with Ed Sullivan in February 1964.

The signing of the Civil Rights Act 1964 (12kb)

President Lyndon B. Johnson reaches to shake hands with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. after presenting the civil rights leader with one of the 72 pens used to sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (AP)

President Johnson at a baseball game (33kb)

President Johnson at a baseball game

Bob Dylan at the Newport Folk Festival '65 (24kb)

Bob Dylan with the Paul Butterfield Blues Band At The Newport Folk Festival in 1965

Students Protesting the war in Vietnam at the Pentagon (12kb)

Students Protesting the war in Vietnam at the Pentagon.

Vietnam War Veterans Protesting the war (17kb)

Vietnam War Veterans Protesting the war

Robert Kennedy Campaigning in '68 (17kb)

Robert Kennedy campaigning for the Democratic Party nomination in 1968.

Richard Nixon campaigning for the presidency in '68 (16kb)

Nixon gives his trademark “victory” sign while campaigning in Philadelphia, July 1968.

President Nixon meeting with the troops in Vietnam (17kb)

Nixon meeting with American soldiers during a short day trip to Vietnam, July 1969.

The Woodstock rock festival that took place near Woodstock, New York, on August 15, 16, and 17, 1969, became a symbol of the 1960s American counterculture and a milestone in the history of rock music.

Content c2004
The Sixties: A Journey Through Politics and Culture.
Web design and content by Bonnie K. Goodman, BA, MLIS

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